
K through 12

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program – The world’s foremost bullying prevention program specifically designed to prevent and reduce bullying throughout a K-12 school setting. OBPP is implemented at the school-wide, classroom, individual, and community levels and includes tools to reach out to parents for involvement and support. OBPP is used throughout an entire school setting and encourages involvement from all students, educators, staff, counselors, and parents. OBPP is designed to create positive changes in students’ behavior and in the school culture so students feel safe, are ready to learn and can achieve academic success.


Cultural Diversity & Race Relations: From Bystander to Upstander – Faculty must be able to identify and combat various forms of racism, intimidation and harassment on campus. In addition to Title IX, many states now require colleges to offer anti-harassment training to create a healthier environment regarding diversity and race. Upstander training forces individuals to examine their own personal beliefs, attitudes and values. Then it identifies the common fears workers face when speaking up – Retaliation, Reputation, Relationships. Going from Bystander to Upstander requires effective communication training that addresses microaggressions, ability to identify red flags, and proper intervention techniques.

Sexual Harassment in the #MeToo Movement – Today’s college student is bombarded with nearly 10,000 images over the course of the day, often sexual in nature. Whether through social media, advertising, or other streams of images, the subtle gender directed messages are over- whelming for nearly anyone. This training focuses on Title IX Legislation addressing types of sexual harassment, psychological impact, raising awareness, and intervention, prevention and responding strategies.

Bullying in Sports: The Injuries We Don’t See – Provides an increased awareness on bullying and the various types of behavior that is often associated with in college sports.  Coach Randy’s training identifies the bully culture that exists within sports, identifies the types of bullies (Bully Coach, Bully Parent & Bully Player), and identifies warning signs of being bullied and/or aggressive behavior. The training also includes Locker Room Talk, Hazing and Microagressions. Coach will learn effective strategies for dealing with conflict and prejudice, undergo and paradigm shift creating a more positive environment for athletes, and encourages coaches to empower players to become “Upstanders” and leaders in on campus. 

Ready to bring Coach Randy to your organization or school?



Sexual Harassment in the #MeToo Movement – Today, people are bombarded with nearly 10,000 images over the course of the day, often sexual in nature. Whether through social media, advertising, or other streams of images, the subtle gender directed messages are over- whelming for nearly anyone. This training focuses on Federal and State Legislation addressing types of sexual harassment, psychological impact, raising awareness, and intervention, prevention and responding strategies.

Be a Game Changer Anti-Harassment Consulting: From Bystander to Upstander – Employees must be able to identify and combat harassment in their place of work. Many states now require businesses to offer anti-harassment training. Upstander training forces individuals to examine their own personal beliefs, attitudes and values. Then it identifies the common fears workers face when speaking up – Retaliation, Reputation, Relationships. Going from Bystander to Upstander requires effective communication training that addresses microaggressions, ability to identify red flags, and proper intervention techniques.

Diversity Consulting: From Tolerance to Acceptance – Tolerance is a “have to” while Acceptance is a “want to.” In this vital workshop, Coach Randy encourages individuals to use honor, integrity, tradition, and pride to promote personal dignity and self-respect. He challenges individuals to go beyond tolerance and become strongholds of respect, hope, and acceptance. With practical tips for success, Coach Randy motivates participants to work harder, aim higher, and create a community of inspiration.