Coach Randy Says
If life's a game, who's your coach?
International Speaker, Leadership Development, Executive Coaching & Professional Consulting

President/CEO – Randy Nathan, MA, MSW
Randy Nathan (aka Coach Randy) is President/CEO of Coach Randy Says and known nationally as an edutainer. He earned is BA from the University of Colorado in Sociology and Education, an MA in Executive Non-Profit Management from Hebrew Union College, and an MSW from the University of Southern California. He has spent over twenty-five years inspiring and motivating professionals from all industries to achieve their goals and dreams while teaching them valuable strategies to overcome the obstacles they encounter. Coach Randy has presented at Fortune 500 Companies, non-profit institutions, school districts, athletic associations, state and federal government agencies, and college universities. He is a frequent visitor on the NFL Network, Good Day New York, CBS New York News, RNN, TV12, and Fox 5 New York News.
To learn more about how you can bring him to your organization please call (973) 809-3223, or email [email protected].
The Game Changer Movement encourages individuals to reach their full potential personally and professionally. It offers a transformational journey for individuals wanting to do better, be better and standing up for others around them.
Join the Game Changer Movement today. Sign up to be empowered to change your game – personally and/or professionally. Sign-up to receive tips, articles, videos and other resources to help you be a Game Changer!
Coach Randy Visits Richard French Live
Coach Randy Discusses Hazing at Sayreville High School

Bullying happens everywhere. What are you doing about it?
This book uncovers the prevalence of bullying in sports by identifying the behavior. It calls out those who are involved in enabling the culture and the matter in which it is being used, and what can be done to stand up against this conduct. Bullying in Sports offers a comprehensive approach that openly acknowledges the bullying in sports and identifies the breeding ground that inculcates athletes into a certain mindset that spills over into the classroom, hallways, and bathrooms. Chapters offer strategies and tactics on how to put policies into action. Furthermore, this book offers an important paradigm shift that has the ability and potential to completely transform our bullying programs and strategies.


- Corporate/Business
- Conferences
- Professional Development
- Education – Middle & High School
- College/Universities
- Sports/Athletic

- Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying
- Cultural Diversity
- Race Relations
- Positive Work Environment & Culture
- Team Building & Enhanced Relationships